Monday, 30 July 2012

The LOVE of my LIFE !!

I know I have been writing about Ponutti ever since I started this blog, the title name indicates that; but I always wanted to pen down the conception story, how I felt about it and other things going about it. As corny as it may seem to sound, she is indeed a treasure trove yet to be exploited fully. Every line from the song 'Omanathinkal Kidavo' seems to explain her perfectly.

She is truly a miracle child to me, not because we were trying for one for a long time but purely beacuse we never expected this and I was asking God the question 'what next?' after I didnot get through the IISc interview. Because life for me then was a big question mark. I never wanted to work so early at that stage of my life since I only had a B.Tech,I never wanted to stop at that. I was also not happy with the training programs offered by biotech companies and the later on wet lab work that we experience after that, offered by Biotech companies, but I honestly thought I would be able to do an MS or Phd for a project Im interested in. That was my ultimate choice in bangalore , then for me.

So Ponutti was an answer to incessant questioning by me to God and I dare say, I was shocked at my own reaction of being genuinely happy.I was always excited about the ultrasound, which is my only chance to have a glimpse of Ponutti. And I correctly pointed out that she would have her fathers beak like nose, just by the look of the ultarsound.Soon there came a time when I couldnt wait for how Ponutti would turn out to look like. What sort of a baby would she become ? All those questions kept nagging me. Then came the kicks , which started at 5 months but by the time I was 8 months pregnant it started getting stronger and towards the nearing of the date, it was very frequent. I almost guessed she fell asleep at about 3am because that was when the kicks came to an end and I could sleep peacefully.

I keep thinking of all this especially when she is asleep. I mean, where on earth do you come across such pure angelic and tranquil face?

Her many manifold expressions has always graced our lives. Her loud, bold, bright and delighful ways  has always stupefied my senses. The most heart melting moment for me recently is to find the glee in her eyes when she waves me bye(calling out tata) as she gets ready to go for her daily morning walk with achan.She was literally bursting with pride and happiness that it almost makes me shed a tear of joy. Im a person who wears my emotions on my sleeve. Its indeed a sight to behold. A sight I will never ever want to forget. A sight I would always want to etch in the back of my memory even when Im struck down with Alzheimer's disease.Yes, she is the miracle of my life!!


  1. now my eyes filled with tears.........:'( :'(

  2. Sister, this is the best..i love this one very much, dont know why? i read this many times and every time after reading this only one thing come in to my mind, ie.. one of the WORLDS BEST feeling, mothers love or care..something like that.

  3. hey chetta thank you very much for your lovely comment....yes, being a parent is a very overwhelming yet warm feeling:))...enjoy parenthood;)
