Thursday, 6 September 2012

At 16 and 17 months-The All talk period

This was a month filled with socializing and playing to learn, as far as Ponutti was concerned. She's probably speaking more than a dozen words now and mind you, being proud of her is just an understatement.

Words of the month: hot, chud...repeats words like chalk...says thanks occasionally...teddy cake,hahaha at the end johnny johnny rhyme, clarity in saying tata, loves repeating what I say, she has become a master at it.She has even learned to apply some of them. If I give her a warm milk, she would say 'chood'. And agin, she would say both 'THANK YOU' and 'THANKS' when offered something.There has also been a world of difference in her dancing style. Her gentle rocking her now turned to fast feet tapping with smooth sensual body moves depending on the various type of music she listens to.She loves feeding me when I feed her, it also keeps her engaged so I could get food in her mouth.She has also developed various habits when I feed her like she is constantly wanting to learn as much as she could in her waking hours. She plays peekaboo when I feed her and even points to facial features like eyes, nose etc which she has eventually learned to speak out and point correctly to.

She has developed other characterisitcs like hating herself get dirty.Whenever she pees or does potty, she shows this awkward uncomfortableness on her face. She hates it when she pees while sitting and immediately gets up once its done. And again, she is very scared of cockroaches that she sometimes yells out if it bychance approaches her.

Her vocabulary has increased up notches,even the effort she tries to enunciate words we speak is appreciable,but the babbling of words is still there. Most of the credit goes to me for talking up a storm when Im more of a reserved kind.Have you any idea how much I talk a day now?

Sleeping has always been a difficult task for her.She barely sleeps for two hours , the time I spend to write the posts in the blog about her.

She has always been smart enough to pick our emotional cues. Guess that is something that kids learn quick at such a tender age, at least for Ponutti it was. If we are not pleased with her and show a frown , she knows it then even when she continues doing the thing we dont agree to. She has shown signs of it since she was 1 month. It was an evening and ammama was trying to put her to sleep while rocking her gently, humming a lullaby when all of a sudden she places Ponutti back in bed and runs to the kitchen. When she was telling me this later, she said it was because some sort of an insect got in her ear she was trying to get it out(which she successfully did) but what surprised her was that Ponutti saw her rush to the kitchen and there was shock all over Ponutti's face and yet she didnt cry. She waited for her ammama to get back to her.That did really surprise me. Im not glorifying her , and as a mother I will not exceed my limit but Im really proud of the way she reacts to situations so promptly even at an age where you dont really understand things like these. Emotional intelligence, at this stage really serves her child for a lifetime.

It was said in an article that I read that we should let kids have their own creative space so that they have a growth mindset(the belief that they can do more if they try) rather than a fixed mindset((the belief that what they can do is pre-determined by their innate abilities or IQ).

Even pointing at an object, talking about it and describing it helps promote a child's language and cognitive development.This shared interaction is called joint attention

Now she goes to the extend of asking questions, giving directions and even telling stories ; mind you, some of these are still incoherent. But I sincerely appreciate her effort in doing so.

The bunch of words she has been accumalating over the weeks, from what we teach her, from what she listens and what she tries to imitate adult conversations...she is actually expanding her vocabulary....its an equal mix of babbles and talk...she is even comprehending what the maid tells her in hindi.....guess shes a chip of the old block(her amma)...she continues to amaze me ceaselessly !!

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